Essex Bowls Coaches Association
The EBCA would like to thank everyone who has offered to assist us by becoming an Area Coach.
Area Coaches represent the EBCA and will be working with us to recruit and develop coaching and bowling throughout their areas. They are also the spokesperson for all coaches within their area.
Each Area coach has a list of their coaches and clubs and will in the near future be contacting both .
Area Coaches.
1 & 7 Susan Monkman 07582161566 susan.monkman@gmail.com
2 Michael Ferris 01371 870580 zitrey.mike@virgin.net
3 BrianSims 01277840715 eileenhoar@gmail.com
4 TrevorPlank 07734888107 essexbowlscoaching@gmail.com
5 PhilipCole 0208 5049404 07973225024 ppcole@btinternet.com
6a JohnHickman 01702 201278 07900831910 jhickman@talktalk.net
8 TerryMizen 01375371929 07599711890 terrymizen@live.co.uk
All EBCA registered coaches should have now received an email with details of which area they are in and the clubs in that area. If for any reason you have not received this information please contact us and we will send out the required information.